As you put together your list of prospective schools, don’t overlook a safety school. In fact, your choice of a safety school should be a high priority.
There are several reasons:
1. A safety school helps insure you have choices about where you attend school. By definition, safeties are schools where admission is likely or, more technically, where you exceed the admission requirements (your GPA and test scores exceed those of the typical admitted freshman). By contrast, admission to your mid-range and reach schools will be less certain.
2. Your safety school may offer you attractive merit and/or financial aid because of your strong academic qualifications. This offer not only makes attendance attractive but it can sometimes be a powerful bargaining chip for increasing your award at other schools that have made you an offer with a less attractive aid package.
3. Attending a safety school with strong academic qualifications may allow you to more easily rise to the top of your class as compared with a more competitive and selective school. Graduating college with a high GPA can make you more competitive for grad school admission -- which places emphasis on your collegiate performance.
So, be thoughtful about your safety. Take the time to select a school that you would like to attend and don’t be too quick to dismiss the acceptance offer.
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